Good old times

Klients: Zelta Zivtiņa


Projekta apraksts:

Zelta Zivtiņa ir zemo cenu telekomunikāciju operators, kuru reprezentē divi varoņi Zī un Zē. Viņi vienmēr cīnās par labākajām cenām visiem, arī senioriem. Bet vai vispār ir iespējams seniorus pārliecināt par to, ka cenas var būt tikpat labas, kā vecajos labajos laikos? Viņi taču uzskata, ka agrāk zāle bija zaļāka, cenas zemākas un, starp citu, arī mūzika bija daudz labāka.

Mēs radījām autentisku kampaņu ar 80-to gadu stila mūzikas hitu un klipu. Tik lipīgu, ka seniori dzied mums līdzi un saprot, ka mūsu cenas ir kā vecajos labajos laikos.

Project description:

Zelta Zivtiņa is Latvian low-price telco brand represented by Zī and Zē – two youthful and lively characters always standing for the best price for everyone. Including for the seniors. Is it possible to convince seniors that prices can be as low as in the good old times? They themselves know that in their youth the grass was greener, prices were lower and, oh – by the way, the music was also better! We created an authentic campaign and 80ts style music video from the good old times, that became so catchy - that they also caught the idea of Zelta Zivtina low prices being good like in old times.