Pazīstama situācija: tu esi nedaudz iedzēris, ballīte sit augstu vilni, tev beidzot ir parādījusies drosme maukt līdzi dziesmām pilnā kaklā, bet kaut kas nav īsti riktīgi. Un mēs zinām kas! Alkohola ietekmē smadzeņu reakcija kavējas par veselu sekundi.
Šo sekundi mēs izmantojām Valsts policijas radio reklāmā, lai stūrēšana alkohola reibumā burtiski izklausītos pēc sliktas idejas. Pat pavisam neliela nobīde reakcijā padarīs tevi ne vien par neciešamu dziedātāju, bet arī – lempīgu autobraucēju.
A familiar feeling: you've had a few too many glasses, you're having the time of your life, singing your guts out. But in the eyes of your friends you see – something off. And we know what's off. It's the one second delay your brain gets when under the influence of alcohol.
Our State Police radio ad used this metaphor to make drunk-driving literally sound like a terrible idea. A one second delay makes you both a dreadful singer and a clumsy driver.
Voice Over in the clip: Can you hear? A dummy is driving, …. lagging the music by exactly one second. When drunk, your reaction is also lagging and even being a virtuoso, you will no longer hit the rhythm, the lane, or the yard. The State police warns - don’t drive as a dummy. Drive sober!