Lai pievērstu cilvēku uzmanību un uzsvērtu, ka pieaugošais atkritumu daudzums nākotnē radīs daudz problēmu, mēs izveidojām divus kaiju tēlus. Tie, tāpat kā īstās kaijas, ir huligāni un traucē cilvēku mierīgo dzīvi, brīdinot visus ar ziņojumu:
"Negribi problēmas, samazini atkritumus!"
To get people's attention and highlight that the growing amount of garbage will cause many problems in the future, we created two seagull characters. They, just like their small relatives, were real troublemakers onlv in a bigger scale. They were messing around and disturbing people just like seagulls do and warning everyone with a message:
"If you don't want problems, reduce your waste!"